Tuesday, February 24, 2009 ( 7:30 AM )
Tell you what. I HATE MY BLOG.
Im going to delete it already. Hate how i hate my blog. Arghh.. Why is everyone else's blog so nice?
( 6:56 AM )
Happy Birthday Eunice!
Hope you liked the prezzies. Ohwell. 21st June 2008!!!
Ohwell. kkz. Do you like stories? Here's one that goes..
Once upon a time, in the land .. Ok. Cut the crap. There was a town called Kennie. The town was right beside an extremely big wall that stretched so far man could not walk to its end, not before dying. So high that eagles can't soar over it. No one ever saw what was behind the wall.
Myths and legends tell about the wall. One told that during Man's first existence, behind the wall was evil evil creatures, witches and wizards. The land was covered with red hot lava and it was night at anytime. For centuries no man dared to think about the terrible things behidn that wall.
At first, the ancestors worshipped the wall, killing pigs and cows in front of the wall. They thought that it would please the mighty God to keep the wall standing tall and firm, protecting them from the evil. However, the sacrifices were always stolen by scavengers.
Over time, the new generations ignored the myth and life went on and on without wondering or worrying about the mighty wall. It became a part of nature, a part of everyday life, something no on cared about.
There was this little boy though, he lived right beside the wall. He played every kind of games at or with the wall day and night. When he grew up, he started analysing the wall. The ants the used to kill as a little boy, actrually lived within the wall. He now figured that the wall was not thin, it was thick. But the wall wasn't impossible to break through too.
From then on, he kept this as a secret and every night, he kept knocking on the wall, one bit at a time.
At last, after 60 years, there was a small crack that grew into a big crack. One day, while knokcing, some water sipped out from the cracks. He kept knocking and a whole ocean poured over the town.
Centuries can centuries later, people settled there again due to fertile soil. The wall was not fully broken. They found the hole one day. One man dared to run though it, he went in and never came back. He dropped into the endless hole just one step to the other side of the wall. No one cared or eevn trid to save him.
Another little boy walked in, but he didn't run he stood winthin the wall and looked through to the other side. It was beautilful. Everything was there. Faries, beautilful mountains, rainbows, lollipops as flowers. But there was no such hole that he was told about.
This hole is actually imagination. HHAAAHAHAHAHAH.. I talked so much and just said its imagination.How ever you intepret in. This story can be changed in any way as the writer likes anyway. Hmnn.. Interesting though.
YES> I can write books huh. Fairytale.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 ( 6:18 AM )
It actually took me three years to realise how much bond we have in the team. To realise why would a boy spend his precious time under blazing hot suns and getting one's self dirty. Its such a wonderful. Like how a boy can stare and look at what his perfect human love do the whole day.
There will always a reason why it happens..
Why is the stone carved this way..
Why is the paper written with that pen..
This is why.
its the content that matters, not the topic.
Friday, February 20, 2009 ( 2:10 AM )
Startitallwiththis :
When life strikes, you can't escape, you just got to fight back.
Escape and you shall fall.
How come they don't teach these in textbooks? Maybe one day i will.
Why. Why? Why! WHY?!!
( 2:00 AM )

Have you ever had this dream. Its seven-heaven, or however you put it. Its heaven. Absolute 爽. Something that will never happen in real life, in a good way. Its a great great dream. You can almost feel the real emotions during the dream. But when it ended, you try to keep it remembered for a minute, then its gone. Forever. And i start to cry.
This stuffs, even MuttonsToMidnight won't have any answer on YOUCOMPLAIN>. ohwell. Some might say we must try and let things go. Forget. I'd say NEVER forget.
No more wasting time with the computer. Now its up to serious stuff. Suffer more. Just to impress. Is how life should be? Probably, until i find a better purpose.
Maybe i should do those tagging questions. No one tags me, i shall tag myself. Have a great evening!
Enditoffwiththis : "the more we want something, the tougher we'll fight n' the harder it would be to get."
Saturday, February 14, 2009 ( 7:12 PM )
Happy Valentines Day. Im always late. Those who didn't have ANY presents at all, don't worry. I shoudln't worry too much. Come on' its just valentines day! Arghh..
And actually i did get one present. My dog bit me on my lip. Spread da love ya? One line cross the lip should have enough love to be remember.
You see, i can;t kick my dog, or scold him, or bite him, or sit on him, or step on him... I just have to forgive and forget. So if you see me, im not trying to eat like an idiot or smile like one, its the scar. Aww..
Happy Bdaes to brothers and sisters out there.
( 7:04 PM )
Lewis recommended it to me. WOnderful la.
Haiz.. Monday i've got to talk to the class about any topic. Is confidence or planning our dreams and aspirations good ideas?
NAhh.. Maybe im gonna talk about Human Coinsience.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 ( 1:47 AM )
I am officially a FM Static fan. They are absolutely great. Like hear-it-everywhere-i-am great. Their music to me is perfect. Like how Eminem does it. Michael Jackson. Michael Learns to Rock. Carpenters. Nickelback. Simple Plan. Linkin' Park. The list is unbelievable and too many to name. Say it. Wow. One cannot ever leave without music.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 ( 8:37 AM )
Sunday, February 1, 2009 ( 1:37 AM )
( 1:12 AM )
All these from Brent favourites.
Calling me??
Nice one laa.. Damn funny! Wahahaa.. Lord Vader!! The accent quite nice la.
Wth. Vulgar.
( 12:40 AM )
Youtube is so fun!!! So educational!
I support obama!!!
Yes they can. Yes, Yes. Yes.
Obama! Obama! Obama! Thank YOU! Thank YOU! YOU! Obama, YOU! Wahahaha..
Change not also United States of America, change the World. Change:) Make it a better place. Got so easy one?
( 12:37 AM )
This has no relation to Empower U but it was in the guy who posted the Empower U video's profile's favourites (its brent williams). Great one!
( 12:31 AM )
Hey Peeps who actually read my blog.
If you know mindchamps and if you went to Empower U, im sure you know how i feel its a wonderfully great unforgetable experience. When i see the videos, even though im not inside, i can feel the memories, the little tingling feeling inside my heart starts again. Its so sweet. So.. Wonderful.
There was supposed to be a video which shows the time when i was there. But it was removed. Thats very disappointing.
And everyone loves Brent Williams. We all would want to see him again.
I don't know why i'm digging up the past but it really touches me. Go for the programme. Empower U. Go for it. I would want to go again. I didn't really let myself go and enjoy the whole programme. I was anti-social. Damn.
( 12:27 AM )
LOL. i can;t see videos at Youtube. Can only see through like this.
( 12:15 AM )