Freaky, but i love it..
Thursday, November 27, 2008 ( 6:06 AM )
Imagine this..
A night scene, dark, with cool air flowing past you. You are in a bus, like any other damned day here you missed your stop cause' you tookt he wrong bus. yaa.. you get it. It was your stop next. The bus didn't seem to stop, but hey, i did press the bell! Ok. The bus DID stop but in the middle of the road. You are extremely curious. You step out, the air was cold and somewhat weird, fresh too. Beside you is a motorcycle that is lying on the ground wheels facing you. In front of you is a shoe. You take a few steps onto the bus-stop and stared onto the ground (umm.. thats whati usually do), spotting many dead leaves. You can't see clearly cause' there's not much light. You take more steps towards your left where you saw a young chinese man with a worried look. Now you figured what happened. Take a few more steps and you see another shoe. Argh.. Argh.. Argh.. Now you hear groaning, like an animal. Take more steps. WAHHH!! There is a man lying on the ground, in a weird position. Legs wide open, lying on the ground, grabbign his right leg. Argh.. Argh.. Argh.. You walk past him, but stopped. You stop. Stop to look. Another cyclist came over and started sprouting nonsense about weapons and not touching the young malay man lying on the floor. He left him and came back later saying: " don't move! don't move! His leg. His leg. Come, i help you take off your helmet. " Argh.. Argh.. Argh.. Was all he got as a reply. I was still looking, with a few more passerbys now. (i was first) Ad i stared, i realise the malay young man was bleeding at his hand, had a ear piece worn on (nokia type). He was young! Like 20? And he is STARING at me. Ohmy. His eyes.. Im the only kid there and if i was him, i would look at me. (hope you understand this) Soon, i walked away. I felt 100% bad. I didn't tried calling 995 (the young chinese and his GF already called). And i regret not stayng by him or smthn. (comeon' he was looking at me! He is trying to say something. Something like arhg.. My leg.. Arghh..) I felt really bad not seeing him till he went away with the ambulance. (i saw the ambulance whizzed past me) I felt really bad. Arghh..
OK. I realised im G**da**ed naggy.
That 'person'
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 ( 6:43 AM )
Not the song laa.. But the song's great! Ok. Hear it:
Have you ever saw these one person, or maybe 10. Every morning on the train, like clouds on the sky, there are many. Never one fails to catch my eye. Or yours. Its just. Beside him/her would be another person. Why can't it just be me. Why.
Talking about crushing dreams..
( 6:42 AM )
Just Testing Out these wonderful Colours.
( 6:36 AM )

Barack Obama
That, is one hell of a guy to worship.

Let the change begin! Live the American dream.
Ohwell. Singapore just don't have these stuff. But people say: no place like home.
Quote this
( 6:03 AM )
Rap is what you do. Hip-hop is what we live.
All hail the great music. Be it hip-hop, rock and roll, rap, classical, jazz, oldies. We shall never forget the music.
Monday, November 24, 2008 ( 7:37 AM )

Adopted Trees.
Just a start
( 7:35 AM )
Do you know, when we start a new day, did you ever thought, a start always has an end. And every end begins and continues with a start. Well, take good use of the start to make not an ending but a grand finale.